
Datalife Engine 10.4 Final (English)

🕔 2015/10/02 13:24
Datalife Engine 10.4 Final (English)
Datalife Engine is multi-user Content Management System, using the combination of AJAX technology and a cross-browser javascript library (jQuery) which has a lot of features. The engine is intended primarily for the Blogs and News Contents websites with great information content. However, it has a lot of settings that allow you to use it for virtually any purposes. The engine can be integrated into virtually any existing design and has no restrictions on the templates customizations itself. Another key feature of DataLife Engine - is a low load on system resources. Even with a very large contents and visitors website, the server loading will be minimal and you will not experience any problems with the connectivity or mapping and query the contents and information. The engine is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) that lead or bring visitors and web surfers to your site (or higher ranked on the search results page) and and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. As mentioned earlier Datalife Engine is Using AJAX advanced technology which will allow you not only to save you on server traffic and resources and traffic of visitors, but also reduces the load on the server. About all the functional features, please visit Datalife Engine Official Website, for English documents and guides please visit our English Documents and User Guides.

Datalife Engine Official Support Forum: http://forum.dle-news.ru/index.phpскачать dle 12.0

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